District Sentinel Radio

DSR 6/3/2023: Too Much of a Sicko, Even for Republicans *UNLOCKED*



-Chris Christie will never be forgiven by voters for closing the bridge, but he could humiliate Ron DeSantis in a futile bid to become Attorney General. -The end of the pandemic emergency has led to 600,000 people losing health insurance since April 1 -File Follies: Taking a look at Republican Governors’ cynical border operation, asking the feds for records -Elon, the Supreme Court and Joe Manchin get Garbage Can nominations yet again but they face tough competition from RFK Jr., the Air Force guy who “misspoke” about AI, and that landlord in Davenport, Iowa. Music by Adam Fligsten www.adamfligsten.com This episode has been unlocked. To listen to future episodes, subscribe at Patreon.com/DistrictSentinel