The Hardcore Self Help Podcast

Episode 356: Schizophrenia Without Medication and Building Self-Confidence



Hello, friends! I hope you're all doing great.   In today's episode, we dive into the following awesome listener questions:   Our first question comes from a concerned parent whose son was diagnosed with schizophrenia eight years ago. At the time, they didn't agree with the diagnosis due to a variety of circumstantial factors, but now they recognize that their son does indeed have schizophrenia. They are seeking guidance on how to help him understand his condition and learn to manage it without relying on medication. They also ask for recommendations on therapists who specialize in non-medication treatment options. We will navigate this sensitive topic, discussing ways to approach the conversation and exploring non-medication treatment strategies for schizophrenia.   Our second question is from a listener who's been struggling with assertiveness and self-respect, often prioritizing others' needs over their own to avoid conflict. This listener also has ADHD which exacerbates the issue, making it challenging fo