District Sentinel Radio

DSR 6/18/23: If You Give a Rat Austerity *UNLOCKED*



-He’s going to ask to take food from babies: Republicans are proposing cuts in benefits to 5 million WIC participants, emboldened by Democratic Party cowardice, namely their refusal to mint the coin. -Please stop brutal racist policing, pretty please, DOJ asks Minneapolis PD -File Follies: Fintech FOIA Frenzy! Filing requests related to the Fed and FDIC reports on major bank failures -JD Vance, Secretary Mayor Pete, Francis Suarez, WSJ, Harry and Meghan, and the WSJ guy who got mad at Sam Sacks are nominated for the Garbage Can this week. Music by Adam Fligsten www.adamfligsten.com To listen to future episodes, subscribe at Patreon.com/DistrictSentinel