


Subscriber-only episodeThere use to be a time when school was back in session you felt relief. Nowadays that relief has been filled with fear and anxiety. Rightfully so, no one could've imagined we would be sending our teachers back to school earlier to be trained in how to protect themselves and the kids from an "active shooter". If you have been meaning to start praying, I want to COMPEL you to do it THIS YEAR! Yes, we need to change the gun laws. Yes, we need tighter security on campus. Yes, to ALL of the laws that can keep us safe. And YES to praying in the Spirit. Because there is NO LAW that can contain and change a heart, EXCEPT through the blood of Jesus!!! "For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance , but the Lord looks at the heart."-1Sam16:7 Let us pray!*SUBSCRIBE* to join the tribe and develop a lifestyle of prayer!