
No Excuses!



Everyone has there "thing" that they make excuses for. Whether it be losing weight, quitting drinking and abusing drugs, unforgiveness, accepting help, being a more loving and sacrificial spouse, attending church, saving money...and yet we want to be blessed with (fill in the blank). I'm learning that God will not bless you with more is you embrace and master little. Paul says, "I discipline myself like an athlete, training it (attitude, perspective, response, reactions, decisions) to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others (operating in your gift in public) I myself might be disqualified (living poorly; lack of self control; confidence; courage; faith)."1Cor9:27 In other words, if we don't master our flesh, "it" will continue to guide our lives and leave us feeling unhappy, unfulfilled and unlikeable. Bring your faith and let's pray! #noexcuses *SUBSCRIBE* to join the tribe and develop a lifestyle of prayer!