


Subscriber-only episodeWe've all heard the old adage, "growing old gracefully" and I think that's a fantastic way to look at life. Growing older is a blessing and some "things" in life you NEED age to genuinely appreciate "it", or "that" or "them". As I near my 44th birthday, I've decided I want to grow older in an OUTSTANDING way! What I mean by that is, I REFUSE to just "let myself go", mentally or physically. I want my "latter" days to be MORE significant than my previous days, mentally and physically! I want to be stronger, more energetic, more insightful, more pleasant, more courageous, more giving and sweeter as the days go by! I believe with God ANYTHING is POSSIBLE!!! Bring your faith. Let me pray for you!*SUBSCRIBE* to join the tribe and develop a lifestyle of prayer!