Norma Gentile Sound Shaman




Healing Meditations for Ancient Consciousness from Nature and new insights from Thoth   Through a series of meditations and insights, Thoth and others point out to humanity a doorway through which an ancient consciousness of the First Creative Cycle, long asleep within the Earth as oil, might now pass onto its own healing journey.  As this happens, humanity’s relationship with oil and other “inanimate” beings changes.  This is our next step.  Here are some ideas how we might begin it. Moving into a new relationship with all of the consciousnesses with whom we share our planet means letting go of our belief that anyone of us knows how another should act, should be, or even should heal.   1. Introduction  1.:28 2. Essay: Ancient Energies Arise  10:12 3. Creating Sacred Space  9:39 4. Using Unconditional Love in Healing  5:26 5. Portals of Consciousness     8:51 6. A Meditation of Gratitude  2:30 7. Water  5:18 *8. Song: Aguas Sagradas / Sacred Waters  2:02 9. Meditation: Releasing Ancient Consciousness of