Norma Gentile Sound Shaman

Connecting Consciousness - Humanity and Nature (meditation for Oil Spill in Gulf)



  A Meditation for the Gulf Oil Spill - Connecting Consciousness The meditation was given through me by Shesat, who is the female companion of Thoth.  He was also present, and shared some important observations.  One was that because of the attention humanity is now giving to the water, fish and environment in the Gulf, a connecting doorway has opened between our consciousness  and the consciousness of these other beings. Thoth weaves his information in between the meditations that Shesat gives. This lasts for about 50 minutes, and then there is a time of Q & A which draws out some additional information.   Some of this may be time-sensitive, so I did not edit the meditation.    Below is the original channeling from Thoth seemingly predicting the Gulf Oil Spill. It comes from my Phone Meditation/podcast "Easing, not Heaving into Transition",Oct 14, 2008. The transcription was published by Sedona Journal of Emergence December 2008. “...a crisis around energy and land is apt to move onto the world's stag