Norma Gentile Sound Shaman

GENERATING STILLNESS: Meditations for Peace within and without



includes a song from Norma's album MEDITATION CHANTS of Hildegard von Bingen (order CD and mp3 download)GENERATING STILLNESS:Meditations for Peacefrom Thoth, Shesat, and the Ascended Masters, through Norma Gentile1. IntroductionMy guides remind me that peace is the result of inner stillness, connection and knowing oneself. When we spend time being who we are, we generate a quality of stillness that makes peaceful actions more appealing than violence. 2. Nature’s Unconditional LoveThe Pure Energy of Nature is the most amazing tool for healing.  It is a replenishing and rejuvenating energy for our bodies, and for our entire being and life-force. Our ability to manifest into form and the ability of our soul to create our body is hinging primarily on the Pure Energy of Nature.  3. Welcoming Archangel MichaelWhen I invoke AA Michael, I ask that the aspect of his energy which reflects how he is already supporting and connecting to your soul to step forward and be magnified.  Sometimes this is also an opportunity fo