Mind Your Biz Today With Jaynie L. Smith

What Stage of Your Company's Lifecycle Are You In?



Jaynie L. Smith interviews Ian MacDougall, the Founder of Corporate LifeCycles Inc. - a consulting firm which specializes in large-scale organizational change – including lifecycle diagnosis, organization mission, values, strategy, structure, accountability and reward systems. In this interview, Ian defines the different stages of a LifeCycle, and which stage is the most desirable. His clients have included the New York University Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Domino’s Pizza, Bank of America, Vistage International, United States Naval Weapons Research, Shell Oil, Charles Schwab & Co., The Automobile Association of America (AAA), Vodafone, and more. From this interview, you will be able to grasp what LifeCycle Stage your company falls under, and how to shift it to the most desirable stage: PRIME.