Hidden Truth: Las Vegas Shooter

S E4: COVID-19: Dr. Shiva: Fauci Travelled in Circles with Epstein, Weinstein



Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has a Ph.D. in Biological Engineering from MIT, is a candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, and the former husband of actress Fran Drescher. He says President Trump needs to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci. He accuses Dr. Fauci of not following modern science and being part of tainted academia beholden to big pharma. He equated Fauci to a “star-f---er:” They all hang out at the same parties. It’s one incestuous clan. They’re all friends with Jeffrey Epstein. They all know Harvey Weinstein.” Shutting down the country is the absolute wrong thing to do, according to Dr. Shiva. He states that only those with the virus should stay at home, and all others should be free to resume their normal daily activities but should take the proper dosages of vitamins to support their immune systems.Support Hidden Truth Show by going to http://www.patreon.com/hiddentruthshow and pledging just $5/month and receive access to Jim and special content and a Hidden Truth cap!Website: http://www.hiddentruthshow.comFace