Underground Usa

The Bluster That Is Biden’s COVID Emergency



Before we get into this segment of The Captain’s America: Third Watch, I want to say a couple words about the lead piece over at UndergroundUSA.com, We Won’t Get Fooled Again: I Will Not Comply. We talk about that in this segment as well.There is no reason for our federal government – or even our state governments –  to be mandating anything about COVID ever again. We've already seen the lawsuits come down on the side of the people who filed the lawsuits because they lost jobs. We've seen the Judiciary slap down the Executive for the orders they issued using the organizations they used in order to force their will upon the people. And we've seen where the public has boycotted companies that not only mandated the jab but the use of masks and how they suffered the consequences for totalitarian actions.Study after study has come out saying that masks didn't work and that's just common sense because the apertures used in the popular masks are much much larger than the virus itself. The use of masks made no sense.