Conrad Rocks

Bystander Syndrome - Wake Up Church!



show notesBystander Syndrome is Rampant in Christianity Today!Do you struggle with sharing your faith? Learn how to overcome fear and excuses to become a bold witness for Christ.This podcast tackles the pressing problem of "bystander syndrome" that has infiltrated the church when it comes to evangelism and fulfilling the Great Commission.Discover little-known statistics revealing that personal evangelism is the #1 way people come to Christ - not big church events or programs.Be inspired by real testimonies of divine appointments and lives changed through simple acts of compassion and sharing the gospel.Get proven tips to write your testimony, pray for open doors, and step out in faith to reach your family, friends, co-workers with the message of Jesus.The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few! Will you embrace your call to action and become an ambassador for the gospel?The time is now friends. Souls hang in the balance. Listen to this podcast and get equipped to share your faith boldly!Here are show no