Catholic - Homilies And Talks

The Ignored Invitation: Parallels in Parables and "A Christmas Carol" - Homily - 28 Sunday of OT



In today's homily, Fr. Michael delves into the theme of responding to God's call, drawing striking comparisons between the Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew's Gospel and the classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". Both narratives warn of the dangers of becoming so consumed with our worldly affairs that we miss or even reject the spiritual invitations presented to us. The invitees in the Gospel, preoccupied with their businesses and farms, overlook the importance of the King's banquet. Similarly, Scrooge, in his obsession with wealth and control, misses out on the joy and connection of the Christmas spirit. Just as the invitees faced consequences for their indifference, so too does Scrooge experience haunting visions of a life devoid of love and relationships. However, there's a beacon of hope. Scrooge's story reminds us that it's never too late to accept the invitation to transformation, to recognize the true value of community, love, and spiritual awakening. Let's not wait