Bloom Church Podcast

The Blessed Life (Week 4) - Why do we give God the first fruits?



Blessed Life – Week 4 The Principal of the First What is up family? We are in week four of our series the blessed life based on a book with the same title written by pastor Robert Morris and this book radically changed my life! At the beginning of this series Pastor Mike made a challenge for you to not miss a week of this series because I truly believe these principles will radically transform your life, but if you miss any weeks so far you can go online and catch up because I really layout some foundational truth about our heart and the purpose behind why we do what we do in regards to these principles.   Today is probably one of the most difficult messages to speak and teach on as we are going to be tackling some meaty teachings today, but I believe it is probably the most important message out of the series as we are going to be talking about   The Principal of the Firsts If God is 1st in your life, then everything comes into order. Now I’m not saying that you won't go through trials or tough times becaus