Negotiations Ninja Podcast

Nobody’s Fool with Chris Chabris, Ep #415



Why are people so easily misinformed or manipulated? In hindsight, it’s easy to question “How did that fool me?” But when you’re “in it” you don’t realize it. Why? Why are people taken in by things that are absurd? There are signs that we can learn to notice.  Chris wrote “Nobody’s Fool” to answer what it is about our minds and how they work that makes us vulnerable. They aren’t complicated things. There are “hooks” that deceivers and scammers exploit in our psychology.  So what are they? How can we become more aware? Chris shares how you can make sure you’re nobody’s fool in this episode of Negotiations Ninja.  Outline of This Episode [2:16] Learn more about Chris Chabris [2:34] Why are people so easily misinformed? [5:37] Why does the brain revert to truth bias? [8:16] How to become more aware of misinformation [11:38] Combating the “What you see is all there is” assumption [16:16] What information do manipulators seek? [20:44] Make sure you ask probing questions Resources & People Mentioned Nobody's