Coffeehouse Questions With Ryan Pauly

Using Questions When Facing Objections To Christianity (Greg Koukl Street Smarts)



We cannot send people out to engage the culture and have evangelistic conversations without equipping them to handle objections that will inevitably come. Greg Koukl's newest book, Street Smarts, is a follow-up to his best-selling Tactics and will help you use questions to answer Christianity's toughest challenges. This is a practical and proven guide to help you better engage in productive conversations with those who challenge your Christian convictions. Greg Koukl is the founder and president of Stand to Reason. He holds MA degrees with honors in both apologetics and philosophy. He has spoken on more than 80 university campuses and has hosted his own call-in radio talk show for more than 33 years defending "Christianity worth thinking about." Greg serves as adjunct professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University and is the author of the award-winning The Story of Reality and the bestselling Tactics.