Sightshift With Chris Mcalister

The Art of Leading with Purpose: Finding Impact Beyond Validation



In this episode of the “Lead for Impact, Not Validation” series, we delve deep into the pervasive insecurities that impact leaders at every stage of their journey. Whether you're a seasoned executive or just starting your leadership ascent, understanding and addressing insecurities are crucial for authentic and impactful leadership. Key Takeaways: Spectrum of Leadership Emotions: Explore the spectrum of sacrifice, dread, calm, anger, caring, and bitterness. Plot your current state on these scales to gain self-awareness and refine your leadership style. Behaviors of Insecure Leadership: Recognize the subtle signs of insecurity, from leading to be needed to avoiding necessary conflicts. Understand how these behaviors can undermine your leadership impact. Validation Check: Engage in a simple yet powerful exercise to assess your current approach to leadership. Identify areas for growth and discover actionable steps to enhance your leadership style. Unraveling the Ritual Void: Leaders traditionally derived meaning