Negotiations Ninja Podcast

The Impact of Identity on Negotiation per Enda Young, Ep #419



The cost of workplace conflict in Northern Ireland (with a population of 1.9 million people) is almost 1 billion pounds per year. Those costs are astronomical.  That’s why Enda Young and Northern Ireland Mediation have created an immersive conflict resolution program to train mediators and negotiators. You learn your skills and repeatedly practice them in a simulation center.  Enda seeks to apply the work in the field of simulation to the field of mediation in a practical and impactful way. But he also encourages negotiators, mediators, and all leaders to focus on introspection. Because you can’t effectively negotiate, mediate, or lead others without intimately knowing your identity.  Do you know how you handle conflict? Do you come out on the other side of a negotiation without achieving your desired result? Is your identity too wrapped up in what you do? Enda dives headfirst into a discussion on the impact of identity on negotiation in this episode of Negotiations Ninja.  Outline of This Episode [1:43] Lea