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The new year is just around the corner, and with it comes a fresh wave of resolutions and aspirations. We all want to be better versions of ourselves, to achieve more, and to make 2024 our best year yet. But how do we make that happen? Morning Hero Jarvis Leverson confirmed it for us that early risers thrive! Show Highlights: 06:20 Jarvis' Defining Moment20:30 Why You Should Get Into A Day Dream State 31:00 By Winning the Morning, You Win in Every Area of Your Life45:00 The Morning State As a husband and as a father, Jarvis realized that there just wasn't enough time in the day to be effective at work and also be effective at home. Frustrated with having to choose, he became OBSESSED with productivity and time management. He wanted to prove that you can have it all - an awesome business and an awesome family life! He engineered a productivity formula that allowed him to get all of his work done by lunchtime (#DoneByLunch) so that he could flip into #DadMode and spend the rest of the day with his fa