Coffeehouse Questions With Ryan Pauly

Sharing the Gospel with LDS Culture (Dr. Ross Anderson)



What do you do when LDS missionaries knock on your door? Do you ignore the knock as if you're not home or confidently engage with biblical truth? Today's conversation includes insider knowledge, personal stories, cultural insights, evangelistic wisdom, and best practices from former LDS missionaries themselves, to help Christians share their faith wisely and effectively with Latter-day Saints. Ross Anderson was born in Utah and was raised LDS. After leaving Mormonism as a young adult, he pursued a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctor of Ministry. Anderson has served as a church planter and pastor in Utah for four decades and is currently a teaching pastor at Alpine Church. He is the executive director of Utah Advance Ministries and the founder of the Faith after Mormonism project and the Culture-Wise podcast. Ross has authored various books, including Understanding the Book of Mormon, Understanding Your Mormon Neighbor, and Jesus without Joseph - a study guide for former Mormons. Ross is an avid cyclist an