Sightshift With Chris Mcalister

The 3 Elements of Great Leadership [Your Leadership Operating System]



In this episode, we’re talking about the power of an identity shift for impactful leadership. Learn how a robust leadership operating system, incorporating measurement, model, and method, can revolutionize the way you lead.  Key Takeaways: Identity Shift for Impact: The episode emphasizes the need for leaders to move beyond validation-seeking and embrace a profound identity shift for impact. It draws parallels to athletic achievements, highlighting the necessity of systematic approaches to greatness rather than relying on isolated moments. Leadership Operating System: The concept of a leadership operating system is introduced, comprising three essential elements: measurement, model, and method. Measurement involves gaining a deep self-view through tools like the IFC, while a reliable model, exemplified by "Be the Tree," provides a metaphorical framework. The method encourages an identity shift, emphasizing the importance of clarity in mission and community building. Building a Secure Identity: The method stre