With Allie Alberigo And Duane Brumitt

What makes a successful teacher? – Episode #159



Join Allie & Duane as they share the the habits of highly effective teachers! Want students banging down your door to get in? Then don't miss this podcast! Become the teacher everyone wants to be taught by. 1) Successful teachers Clear Objectives. Curriculum and what is necessary for the student to progress. Clear road map of what is expected of them and what the need. 2) Successful teachers Sense of purpose. What motivates you or your drive to teach and be there. 3) Successful teachers no when to listen to the students and when to ignore them. Discernment. When things are tough you need to be tougher. 4) Successful teachers have a positive attitude. Positivity breeds positivity. 5) Successful teachers expect their students to succeed. 6) Successful students have a sense of humor. 7) Successful teacher use praise correctly and genuinely. 8) Successful teachers are consistent. 9) Successful teachers are humble and reflective. 10) Successful teachers seek out mentors of their own. Always be the consummate stud