Business With Super Joe Pardo

Therapist, Actor, Host Matt Marr!



Matt Marr is proudly following his dreams through acting, podcasting and being a therapist! Connect with Matt Marr @themattmarr Matt Marr's bio: I have been called the Gay White Oprah. Now I don't really know about that, but I do love giving a place for people to share their story in the hopes of changing viewers lives for the better. I'm gonna let Oprah do her, and I'll do me. I grew in Southern Oklahoma and I just can't seem to lose the accent. I'm a lover of stories. From my early days of acting, to getting my undergrad in Opera, to getting my Masters in Clinical Psychology and working with clients--stories are my life. If you found me in a breakdown, I'd be this guy: THE GUY WHO CAN TALK TO ANYONE / HE ALWAYS CALLS YOU "SUGAR".  People open up to him within 2 minutes of meeting him. His ideal night is having a glass of wine and knitting away at a baby blanket while watching old Wonder Woman re-runs, as his dog snores on the other end of the couch. Find him at a comic book store ne