Transformations With Tara

Tara Reade Left Out - When the Truth Doesn't Fit In



Tara Reade. She has a new book: “Left Out - When the Truth Doesn’t Fit In”. Reade shares the aftermath of the re-victimization of speaking out about her sexual assault, with then Senator Joe Biden in 1993, where the shaming, attacks, and threats instigated by the media sent her into a personal tailspin. How would you handle this situation if it had happened in your life? God would never put her in this kind of struggle if he didn’t have a plan for her. Reade has a Law Degree and already champions Women in unfortunate situations. Where have people lost their patience in understanding the plight of others. It’s not a political matter, it’s about humility and humanity. Reade has become a spokeswoman, she has opportunities now to make a difference in the lives of others. I’d like her to discuss with us some of her observations and future goals. Join us. FB LIVE “The Contact Talk Radio Network” Page #ctrnetwork #TaraSutphen #TransformationwithTara#TaraReade #Iheart #spotify #iTunes