Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2164: ‘A New Thing’ Series Class 6 — Nehemiah



Introduction, Nehemiah 1.1-3 Inscribed silver bowl from the palace of Artaxerxes I (464–424 B.C.). The inscription clearly identifies this bowl as having been made in the palace of Artaxerxes I. As cupbearer to Artaxerxes (Nehemiah 1:11), Nehemiah likely would have handled articles such as this.“At the time, I was cupbearer to the king.” (Nehemiah 1:11 NRSV) The main action is crowded into the spring and summer of the year 445 BC Around 13 years since Ezra had set out for Jerusalem (Ezra 7:7). 'Survivors'/'Remnant' could also be translated, “escapees”, with allusions to the flight from Egypt that made the Hebrews into a nation. Now they have the opportunity to become a nation re-born. Summary: God was able to do a new thing because Nehemiah responded to the need revealed to him 1. Nehemiah Prays Neh 1.4ff “Nehemiah’s first response to the challenging news he received was an honest outpouring of emotion. He held nothing back. What an example for us as we face struggles and heartache in this world. W