VCY America

Israel: We Must Not Forget October 7th



Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church, and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries. He's the speaker on the weekly TV program, Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast, Prophecy Unfolding. He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. He has authored several books.--When you look at what's being said on university campuses today, when you hear politicians condemning Israel for taking direct action to protect herself, when you observe the U.N. resolutions coming out against Israel, and when you see the growing number of legacy media stories scolding Israel, it's as if October 7th never happened. Also, how many sources will be telling you that just today, over 100 rockets were launched from Lebanon into northern Israel----There's a reason for all of this and Dr. Schmidt explained why from a biblical perspective as he looked at the following---While some concentrate on the 30,000 Palestinians that are said to have been killed in t