Negotiations Ninja Podcast

How to Gather Stories with Matthew Dicks, Ep #441



How do you find the right stories to tell? Matthew Dicks is a phenomenal storyteller. He’s written several novels and non-fiction, including “Story Worthy.” He owns “Speak Up Storytelling” and “Story Worthy MD” to help people learn to become better storytellers—because everyone has stories to tell, they just don’t know it. He simplifies the story-gathering process in this episode of Negotiations Ninja.  Outline of This Episode [2:33] Learn more about Matthew Dicks [4:30] Everyone has stories to tell [6:20] Speak on theme, message, or meaning [8:30] Homework for life: gathering stories [14:15] Why location and action are important  [19:02] How to weave stories into conflict resolution  [23:49] How to make sure your stories connect [27:51] Have we lost the art of storytelling?  Resources & People Mentioned Matthew’s “Homework for Life” TedTalk Storytelling Courses & Workshops Storyworthy The Moth The Bluest Eye Connect with Matthew Dicks Matthew’s Website Connect With Mark Follow Negotiations Nin