Coffeehouse Questions With Ryan Pauly

Answered Prayer As Evidence For God (Atheist Book Response, Part 6)



Can answered prayers be used as evidence for God's existence, or is prayer nothing more than an illusion or placebo effect? Does it help or does it have harmful effects? We continue our series with chapter 6 from Armin Navabi's book, "Why There Is No God." Content: 0:00 Intro 2:25 What have we covered before? 3:50 The big objection against prayer 5:50 Can prayer be used as evidence for God's existence? 9:38 What do scientific experiments show us about the effectiveness of prayer? 22:15 Why is it problematic to study prayer scientifically? 28:35 Do Christians suffer from confirmation bias? 31:20 Looking for scientific evidence presents a narrow view of knowledge 33:30 Is prayer self-contradictory? 34:45 Does God care about the small problems in your life? 42:04 Why doesn't God always answer prayer? 49:10 When prayer can be used as evidence for God 52:15 Are there harmful effects of prayer?