Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Best Nutrients to Remove Plaque from Arteries



In this video, I'm going to share what you can do to help remove plaque from your arteries naturally. Plaque is made of cholesterol, calcium, and protein. These 3 ingredients form a band-aid if you have inflammation or other issues on the inside of your artery. There are 2 types of plaque: soft plaque (unstable, dangerous) and hard plaque (calcified, stable, less dangerous). Soft plaque is 4 times as common as calcified plaque! A CAC test gives you a score of how much plaque you have in your arteries. This test primarily detects calcified plaque, so the score usually won’t reflect soft plaque. The CAC paradox is a phenomenon that occurs after you clean up your diet and get healthy, but your CAC score rises. This doesn't mean your plaque is getting worse. It means that some of your soft plaque has stabilized and become hard plaque. Soft plaque is associated with glycation and more oxidation of the LDL. There are 2 types of LDL: small-dense pathogenic LDL and large-buoyant non-pathogenic LDL. My