Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Fascinating Insights on Hashimoto's (Hypothyroidism)



Please join me in welcoming Dr. Dimitris Tsoukalas. There’s a chronic condition that’s more prevalent than cardiovascular disease and cancer combined. Autoimmune disease is the most common chronic illness, with over 50 million people suffering from autoimmune conditions in the US. Autoimmune disease is a condition where the immune system does not recognize certain organs and tissues, so it attacks them. Hashimoto’s is the most common autoimmune disease. Dr. Tsoukala explains that Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a chronic inflammatory condition in which the immune system attacks and gradually destroys the thyroid gland. This reduces the thyroid's function, leading to hypothyroidism. Around 26 million people in the United States are suffering from Hashimoto's disease—and 9 out of 10 are women. One of the first symptoms of Hashimoto’s is low energy. This is because the hormones produced by the thyroid gland regulate metabolism and control the metabolic rate. People with Hashimoto’s also have diffi