Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Fix Mitral Valve Prolapse with this ONE Mineral



Today, we’re going to talk about the #1 nutrient deficiency involved with mitral valve prolapse syndrome. If you have mitral valve prolapse, your heart valves are not opening and closing correctly. Mitral valve prolapse causes floppy, leaky valves that are large and bulging. This bulging, displaced tissue is called prolapse, which leads to inefficient heart pumping. Mitral valve prolapse symptoms include weakness, fatigue, palpitations, anxiety, and shortness of breath. It’s often described as idiopathic, which means it has no known cause. Mitral valve prolapse is generally treated with beta-blockers or a calcium channel blocker. In a double-blind study, 141 subjects with mitral valve prolapse were compared to 40 healthy subjects. Sixty percent of the mitral valve prolapse group had magnesium deficiency compared to only 5% of the healthy subjects. Low magnesium leads to high adrenaline. It also accelerates the aging of the fibroblast cell, which helps you make collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. As we