Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

The Biggest Research Study Scam



Please join me in welcoming Dr. Eric Westman. Dr. Westman is an M.D. and a Master's-level statistician. He explains how researchers often manipulate data reports by misleadingly presenting information. He also explains the difference between absolute risk and relative risk and how it can be used for this purpose. Observational studies can also misleadingly present information because they cannot prove causation. Many recent studies in the news demonizing red meat and fasting were observational self-reported studies. These studies involve a person recalling what they ate days, weeks, and even months ago! What's the purpose of observational studies if they can't prove causation? Observational studies are known as “hypothesis-generating studies," so they generate a hypothesis for a formal experiment. One of the most recent misleading studies, the Stanford twin experiment, gained popularity on Netflix. The study had several flaws and was funded by a plant-based organization to promote a plant-