Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

#1 Missing Trace Mineral in ARTHRITIS



Today, we’re going to talk about the number 1 missing trace mineral involved in arthritis. Vitamin D and magnesium are often used for arthritis, but they won’t work without enough boron. There aren't many studies on boron, but there is some promising data involving boron and arthritis. Boron seems to be the key trace mineral that allows calcium and magnesium to work. If you’re deficient in boron, you’ll have excess calcium and magnesium in the urine and tend to get more calcification in the soft tissues. You might also have weaker bones. Here are some of the health benefits of boron: • Helps keep minerals inside the bone • Allows vitamin D to be activated • Helps prevent tooth decay Boron helps prevent joint inflammation by reducing C-reactive protein. A boron deficiency can also cause receding gums, kidney stones, calcium in the arteries, and calcium in the joints. The parathyroid gland stores the most boron in the body and produces a hormone that helps control calcium. If you don’t have enough