Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Are Expensive Eggs Really Worth It?



In this podcast, we’ll examine all of the different types of chicken eggs available in the store. The different labels and classifications can be confusing. Around 65% of all chickens used for laying chicken eggs are in cages. Caged chickens are required to get at least 67 square inches of space, which is a little over 8 x 8 inches. New California caged chickens get a few more inches but not even one square foot of space. Cage-free chickens are not in a cage but are generally confined to a barn with many other chickens. Each chicken gets one square foot of space. Free-range chickens get 2 square feet of space. They have free range in a barn and typically have access to the outdoors, but it’s unclear if they have access to outdoor grass or if the area is cement. Pasture-raised chickens get 10 feet by 10 feet of outdoor space. When chickens don’t get enough space, their cortisol and adrenaline levels increase. This is unhealthy for the chickens and causes them to produce less healthy chicken eggs. When