VCY America

Mike Gendron Rally - "Discerning Truth in the Age of Deception"



As Dalton opened up the broadcast he asked the following questions- Where do you go for truth-- What is truth-- How can we know it----If these are questions you've asked yourself or others, you'll want to take notes on this broadcast called, Discerning Truth in the Age of Deception. This program was a rebroadcast of the VCY March 2024, Spring Rally that featured speaker Mike Gendron.--Dalton set the tone for the hour by playing audio from Mike as he quoted A.W. Pink, one of the most influential evangelical authors of the second half of the 20th century. Pink was quoted as saying----The hardest task before most of us is not to learn, but to unlearn. Many of God's own children have drunk so deeply of the sweetened poison of Satan, that it is by no means easy to get it out of their systems- and while it remains in them, it stupefies their understanding.---No matter how religious you may think you are, are you willing to unlearn what you were falsely taught and learn the truth from God's Word----A critical factor