The Multiplier Mindset® Podcast With Dan Sullivan

Discover Two Keys To An Effortless Entrepreneurial Life, With Greg Griffith



Greg Griffith has been in risk management and risk control for 38 years. For the past 11 years, he’s been a member of The Strategic Coach® Program, an experience he’s found “life changing and game changing.” In this episode, Greg shares some of the invaluable wisdom he’s gained from Strategic Coach® and why his entrepreneurial life is easier now. Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:The Strategic Coach thinking tool for getting instant focus on something that's important to you.How Greg figured out he could help people dealing with risk.The interview with business coach Dan Sullivan that led Greg to Strategic Coach.The importance of Strategic Coach clients’ life partners embracing Strategic Coach tools.Show Notes: Entrepreneurs need to have a life partner who gives them total support for what they’re doing in their entrepreneurial life. For some entrepreneurs, the easy part of their lives is the day at work, and the tough part is the night at home. An entrepreneur’s best relationship has to be the