Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 367: The Least Likely Yet Powerful Driver of Success



Hey everyone, Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success. And I thought I'd do a little video this morning from the secret boat and beach that I got invited to. And the message for today is about respect. I have been talking with the staff on the island and, and one of the things that they have as a tenant of their island life is respect. If you don't have respect or if you've lost respect or somebody has lost respect to you, they say you're just dead, dead to them. And oftentimes as you get on the journey of success and abundance, you start to give up respect for, you know, people who don't have what you have. You start to treat others lesser. You start to stay distanced from others. You, you do things that are uncharacteristic of you because on the way up, you really worked hard to get that respect. And you gave a lot of it. Maybe, maybe this is you, maybe it isn't. But because of respect here in these islands it really is currency. It's like currency for everyone to stay in contact and communication, not