VCY America

News Roundup and Comment



Here's a sample of story headlines from the first quarter hour of the broadcast-----In a repudiation of President Biden, the Israeli Security Assistance Support Act passed in the House on Thursday with bipartisan support.----The U.S. State Department has moved a one billion dollar package of weapons aid for Israel into the congressional review process. ----The floating pier that will allow humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza from the sea has now been anchored to a beach according to U.S. Central Command. ----Amid heightened tensions with Egypt since Israel began its ground operation, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intimated that Egypt was holding Gaza civilians hostage by not working with them to reopen the Rafah border crossing for humanitarian aid.----Israel's military suffered setbacks yesterday after officials confirmed that five troops were killed in a friendly fire incident in Gaza while elsewhere an Israeli air force space in northern Israel was hit by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militia.---