Keen On

Episode 2073: Sulmaan Wasif Khan on the past, present and future conflict between America and China over Taiwan



Along with Ukraine and Gaza, Taiwan represents the third leg of our increasingly wobbly international political system. This week, for example, the Chinese navy put on military drills off the Taiwanese coast designed, supposedly, to test its ability to “seize power”. So is the world on the brink of a third world war between China and the United States? Perhaps, according to the Tufts university scholar and author of The Struggle for Taiwan, Sulmaan Wasif Khan, who compares the current highly militarized situation in the East China Sea with the situation in Europe before World War One. In our KEEN ON conversation, Khan brings some historical perspective to the situation in Taiwan, even comparing the current geopolitical tensions of the island with the Cuban situation during the Sixties. Sulmaan Wasif Khan holds the Denison Chair in International History and Chinese Foreign Relations at the Fletcher School, Tufts University. He is the author of HAUNTED BY CHAOS: CHINA'S GRAND STRATEGY FROM MAO ZEDONG TO XI JINP