Keen On

Episode 2080: Keith Teare's defense of technological utopianism



If you want to insult somebody in Silicon Valley, call them a “utopian”. It suggests a fantastical mind unable or unwilling to come to terms with reality. Utopians, it is assumed by self styled “realists”, are children. They’ve failed to grow up. But according to That Was The Week tech newsletter Keith Teare, the problem with today’s Silicon Valley is the scarcity rather than abundance of utopian thinking. Borrowing from an essay entitled Whither Utopia by the British technologist Rohit Krishnan, Teare argues that we need a new generation of Robert Owen style utopians for our age of AI, technological visionaries with the audacity to think big and dig deep to confront our most persistent problems. Keith Teare is the founder and CEO of SignalRank Corporation. Previously, he was executive chairman at Accelerated Digital Ventures Ltd., a U.K.-based global investment company focused on startups at all stages. Teare studied at the University of Kent and is the author of “The Easy Net Book” and “Under Siege.” He wri