Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello

Outsourcing: How to hire your first virtual assistant w/ Mads Singers – ABR027 - Able Business Radio: Productivity | Small Business | Evernote | Trello



Have you been mulling over the idea of outsourcing your work? Hiring a virtual assistant (VA) might be a great way to free up your time at an affordable rate. Four hour work week, here we come! In this episode we cover: Why the Philippines is the most popular country for outsourcing work. How building a relationship helps you get the most out of the VA. What work has the highest ROI for virtual assistants. The #1 thing to look for when making your first hire. How being yourself is the best management style. Quotables: “For a lot of entrepreneurs- tools are shiny objects." "If you try to do things that don't match your personality, you will fail." "Tools don't matter. It's the process." “The essence of being successful is having great systems.” “The kind of work that is most effective initiatives to get done by a virtual assistant is a repeatable process.” "The best managers you will find are the people who know and get to understand themselves, particularly their strengths and weakne