Dds Unscripted

"Rifle Mastery Part 2" (Zero & Data)



The rifle is an integral and fundamental tool for the modern minuteman and that rifle is only as good as it's rifleman. Being a true rifleman requires diligent effort and ongoing maintenance.  In this second part to a multi-part series, Jacob and Stephen discuss the importance of having a well maintained zero and break down other important data collection methods that enable overall rifle mastery.    CONTACT US The best way to get a hold of us is to email us. We love hearing from you and we also love discussing details and helping where we can with specific or more nuanced questions. Please feel free to reach out we'd love to talk to you!   HOW TO SUPPORT US & THE PODCAST Follow us on Instagram and YouTube! @Dynamic.Defense.Solutions  |  @Minutemen.Initiative  |  @Minutemen.Initiative (YoutTube) We are passionate about training / education which is a major drive behind why we do the podcast, this same passion extends to our social media presence. We post high quality and in-