Keen On

Episode 2018: Former Prosecutor Debbie Hines on Black Lives, White Justice and her Quest for Reform



As the former Assistant Attorney General for Maryland, one would expect Debbie Hines to be a strong supporter of the American criminal justice system. But the Baltimore based veteran trial lawyer is unambiguously critical in her new memoir, GET OFF MY NECK, of what she sees as the structural racism of a “conveyer belt” American legal system which sends so many African-American people to jail. Hines’ critique should make particularly resonant viewing on July 4, the day that Americans celebrate their “freedom”. Happy Independence Day everyone!Former Baltimore prosecutor, Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland, and trial attorney Debbie Hines is an advocate for racial equity in the criminal justice system. She maintains a private law practice focused on civil and criminal litigation in Washington, DC. A leading voice in the discourse of criminal justice and race, Hines is often called on by media networks for legal commentary.Named as one of the "100 most connected men" by GQ magazine, Andrew Keen