Keen On

Episode 2017: Celeste Marcus Exposes the Generational Crisis of American Liberalism



Last week’s horror show debate woke up a lot of progressive Americans. For Celeste Marcus, managing editor of Liberties Quarterly, Biden’s dismal performance was akin to the shock of the January 6th insurrection. In contrast with Jan 6, however, Marcus is calling for a political insurrection amongst progressives that will trigger a generational shift in power. Both American democracy and liberalism are in generational crisis, Marcus argues in her latest online Liberties piece, Our Liberalism. And to make American liberalism really ours, she argues, geriatric Democratic politicians like Biden, Pelosi and Feinstein must hand over power to a younger generation of progressive leaders.Celeste Marcus is the managing editor of Liberties. She is writing a biography of Chaim Soutine.Named as one of the "100 most connected men" by GQ magazine, Andrew Keen is amongst the world's best known broadcasters and commentators. In addition to presenting KEEN ON, he is the host of the long-running How To Fix Democracy show. He i