Keen On

Episode 2029: Niobe Way on America's Crisis of Masculinity



Does America have problem with its boys and men? Yes, says author of Boys and Men, Richard Reeves, a previous guest on KEEN ON. Today’s guest, Niobe Way, a NYU professor of developmental psychology, give a more nuanced answer. The author of the Rebels With a Cause: Reimagining Boys, Ourselves and our Culture, Way argues that the crisis is one of a culture of “masculinity”. It’s our stereotyped “boy” culture which particularly troubles Way. What boys and men want, she argues, are close friendships and meaningful family relationships. But America’s “toxic” culture, with its focus on the supposedly masculine values of status and achievement, Way says, isn’t allowing its boys to be boys and its men to become real men.Niobe Way is Professor of Developmental Psychology at NYU, the founder of the Project for the Advancement of Our Common Humanity (PACH;, creative advisor of agapi, and the Principal Investigator on the Listening Project. She was the President of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA)