Robot Monk Xian'er

Interpersonal-Debt2 人际关系之人情债2



对,就是不愿欠人情。Yes. I just don't want to owe interpersonaldebt.“欠人情”的心态,感恩心少而不安更多,因为担心自己将来还人情的麻烦,无形中把人与人之间的关心帮助当做了交换,这是一种自我包裹的表现,是内心虚弱、自卑、怕受伤害的表现。The mentality of "owing interpersonaldebt" implies less gratitude and more restlessness for fear of the troubleof returning a favor in the future, imperceptibly taking the interpersonal careas an exchange. This is a behaviour of self-wrapping, a symptom of innerweakness, self-abased and fear of being hurt.为什么会这样呢?Why is this so?       这种心理就是过于在意自己。This kind of psychology isfeatured by taking too much care about self.