Robot Monk Xian'er

nice guys are prone to be bullied4--人善被人欺?4



在生活中总能遇到“三个和尚没水吃”的情况。懒惰,等待别人似乎是没有办法解决的问题,要怎么办呢?应该视而不见和别人一起等待,还是永远自己替别人去挑水?The case of “three monkshave no water to drink” always occursin life. Laziness and dependence seem to be a problem that cannot be solved.How to cope with it? Turn a blind eye to wait along with others, or alwayscarry water for somebody else?     “挑水”并不是为了别人,而是为了自己。人总喜欢算计,怕自己吃亏,结果是自他俱损;不计较付出与所得,心甘情愿“吃亏”,利他的同时更是利己,吃亏是福! “Carry water” is not forsomebody else, but for ourselves. If one always prefer calculation for fear ofsuffering losses, it will bring about the losses of others and oneself. If onedoes not fuss about his sacrifices and gains but volunteers to “suffer losses”,it will benefit oneself as well as others. That’s why sacrifices becomeblessings!老话总说:吃亏是福,无助者天助。人真的因为厚道不计较得失而得到上天厚爱吗?An old saying goes that sacrifices bring about blessings, and Heavenhelps the helpless. Is it true that one can receive great kindness from Heavenfor his own kindness of not bothering about personal gains and losses?   &nbs