Robot Monk Xian'er

To Be a Wintersweet Blossom Braving the Snow



To Be a Wintersweet Blossom Braving the Snow Wintersweet flowers blossom bravely even in chilly winter. The perspectives on  issues  determine our mentality and future. Don't leave sufferings in your heart and let them wrap yourself up over and over again. Instead, catch sight of love and light, kindle the light of your heart, and make yourself the warmth in winter and the hope in hardship. 做一朵傲雪寒梅即使寒冷的冬天,也有梅花傲然开放。看待问题的角度,决定了我们的心态和未来。不要把伤痛记在心中,一遍遍包裹自己;要看到爱和光明的存在,点燃心光,让自己成为冬天中的暖意,艰难中的希望。