Live From Nabshow 2016

The Business of Influencers: Instagram



Man vs. Machine: The Instagram Influencer At ScaleWed. April 20| 10:00 AM - 10:45 AMCan technology enable quality content creation at scale or is it diminishing the value of content by making it simply a commodity? Panelists involved with Instagram discuss the rapid evolution of social technologies, new distribution platforms, instant content, live streaming, and data-driven programming, and the impacts these developments have on the content value chain from development to production and distribution. Get an insightful look at how brands are navigating the colliding worlds of technology and storytelling. Part of the Advanced Advertising Theater.Level: Advanced Advertising TheaterMODERATORReed BerglundCEO & Co-FounderFullbottle PANELISTSEmily CholakianDigital Influencer / Fashion BloggerStiletto Beats Barry StamosCEO and Co-Founder VideooDean WatersCEOVimby LLC, The Mark Burnett Content Studio Anthony WilcoxFreelance Film Director, Producer & WriterIndependent